Pangya NewGen World Records!

Rank Club Name Total Blue Lagoon Blue Water Sepia Wind Wind Hill Wiz Wiz West Wiz Blue Moon Silvia Cannon Ice Cannon White Wiz Shining Sand Pink Wind Deep Inferno Ice Spa Lost Seaway Eastern Valley Ice Inferno Wiz City Abbot Mine
452 firstbunEmotion -17-17------------------
452 >Š<ŠNin๏>Š<Š -17----------17---------
452 FrancisTH -17-5-----------12-------
452 Nearpp -17-17------------------
452 EmotionPopoEmotion -17------17-------------
452 Lollipop  • –`โซดๅ ˜ “ -17------------17-------
452 Sh1n31Emotion -17--------------17-----
452 Freedomiiiiiiiii -17--------------17-----
452 iBas. -17-17------------------
452 พวกกัน3 prathanjeep -17-------------17------
452 8MASEmotion -17-17------------------
452 .unknow -17-10------------------7
452 MaboroCH -17---11-2---------8-----
452 ^^Jump^^ -17--------------17-----
452 ,ƒ,_ƒusi˜๏n๛ -17-----17--------------
452 “|so‘naL™| -17-17------------------
452 LeodasEmotion -17--------------17-----
452 ยัยตัวอ้วนEmotion -17-17------------------
452 llตร๊ดๆ๏๏uสเตsn วิไลคำหล้า -17-------------17------
452 6›œนกก*šะจˆบ -17------------17-------
452 EClacto -17-17------------------
452 Newbieeiei -17-17------------------
452 K9super -17------------17-------
452 AhLingKang -17------------------17-
452 BlackZ -17-17------------------

The records will be updated every minute.

เข้า Discord ของเซิฟเวอร์