Pangya NewGen World Records!

Rank Club Name Total Blue Lagoon Blue Water Sepia Wind Mystic Ruins Wiz Wiz West Wiz Blue Moon Silvia Cannon Ice Cannon White Wiz Shining Sand Pink Wind Deep Inferno Ice Spa Lost Seaway Eastern Valley Ice Inferno Wiz City Abbot Mine
708 ไวตๅมิ้ลค์!! -24-24------------------
708 1111111111111111 -24-------------------24
708 JoKerYeaEmotion -24-24------------------
708 bionicx^ -24--------------24-----
708 -insensitive- -24-24------------------
708 (เหวอ)DjVini(ปิ๊ -24-------------3-21-----
708 Hikaru`Emotion -24-24------------------
708 Emotionทะลุหลุม -24-24------------------
708 EmotionLoLo -24-24------------------
708 Arounpan -24-24------------------
708 EmotionSnimZEmotion -24-24------------------
708 "แค่เพื่อนEmotion -24-24------------------
709 Emotionสิบตุลา -23-23------------------
709 M..* -23-23------------------
709 Emotionจุ้งส:ดิ๋ม -23-23------------------
709 EmotionBKEmotion -23-23------------------
709 Emotionmi_il<๐๐ -23--------------23-----
709 -1st- -23--------------23-----
709 !@CeKaEmotion -23-23------------------
709 NokJung -23---6-----------17-----
709 เสธBong -23-23------------------
709 EmotionARMIASEmotion -23--------------12----11-
709 PermsaKEmotion -23-16---------7---------
709 +_Guiter_+ -23-23------------------
709 –` อะโพล่า -23-23------------------

The records will be updated every minute.

เข้า Discord ของเซิฟเวอร์