Pangya NewGen World Records!

Rank Club Name Total Blue Lagoon Blue Water Sepia Wind Mystic Ruins Wiz Wiz West Wiz Blue Moon Silvia Cannon Ice Cannon White Wiz Shining Sand Pink Wind Deep Inferno Ice Spa Lost Seaway Eastern Valley Ice Inferno Wiz City Abbot Mine
753 อาปังEmotion -9-9------------------
753 FunassiEmotion -9-------------------9
753 หoยหลoดEmotion -9-----9--------------
753 -LT- -9--9-----------------
753 FrankND -9--------------9-----
753 จ๊ะเอ๋จ๊ะเอ๋ -9-9------------------
753  • –`^™erry,,*• -9--------------9-----
753 VasanaEmotion -9-9------------------
753 ลูกแม่หญิงคั้บ -9---------9----------
753 EmotionLUFFYEmotion -9-9------------------
753 BlackStep -9-9------------------
753 MaGaphoneEmotion -9--------------9-----
753 SirKwanz -9-9------------------
753 EmotionSGEmotion -9-------------9------
753 หมูแฝง -9-9------------------
753 EmotionราชาEmotion -9--------------9-----
753 PumSeeN -9-9------------------
753 May3ee -9--------------9-----
753 nattaboatEmotion -9-------------------9
753 M@rLoNEmotion -9-------------------9
753 OMGEmotionEmotion -9--------9-----------
753 KengEmotion -9-9------------------
753 Mafty001 -94-----------9--4-----
753 B4cl2W@rDEmotion -9----9---------------
753 EmotionBo0YAzEmotion -9-------9------------

The records will be updated every minute.

เข้า Discord ของเซิฟเวอร์